Neither do you need a bungalow, nor an expensive car, nor a great job… Why is the desire to reach the peak in career decreasing among Millennials?

Neither do you need a bungalow, nor an expensive car, nor a great job… Why is the desire to reach the peak in career decreasing among Millennials?

Today’s youth (Millennials) are that generation which does not show the same passion to reach the heights of career as the previous generation did. They neither want luxurious bungalows, nor expensive cars nor any luxuries. Gradually they are moving away from the hustle and bustle of career. House prices have now increased by 33% as compared to 2010. Compared to 1981, the world is the most expensive today. According to a report, most of the youth are afraid that due to increase in inflation it will become difficult to meet their expenses. That’s why he has stopped working hard and now he wants to live a simple life. Millennials have now left luxurious bungalows and started living in small towns and metro cities. Not only this, they have also stepped back from the blind race of career, they are leaving jobs for their health and family and are living an easy life. 

People are leaving jobs 

According to a report released by City and Guild in 2022, every 10th person in the country is not looking for a job nor does he want to do it, despite having the ability to work. Now he is living on the formula of ‘not to work’. He feels that now he will hardly be able to meet his expenses. Not only this, according to the report of Britain’s Office for National Statistics, among the people aged between 16 to 64 years, 92 lakh people are unemployed and at present such people are not preferring to find jobs. Some of these people are leaving their jobs rapidly.

The number of women in the workforce has increased 

According to a report, there are many countries around the world where the number of women The workforce is increasing. But Millennials are leaving their jobs. This is being said to be a type of discrimination and the reason for this is discrimination against women in employment. This discrimination increases most with Hispanic and Asian women. Talking about America, here women get 16% less salary than men.

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